Head Mod

I do not have much zine/bang experience, but I do have experience in managing community groups and choruses! I'm an aspiring artist, writer, singer, and rookie animator, so I can fill in any spots that are lacking!


Formatting Mod

I have completed 15 zines as a mod, and this one will be my 17th zine I've picked up! Most notable/fun zines for me have been A Taste of the Valley: A Stardew Valley Cookbook, Match Point: A Haikyuu!! Inspired Sports Magazine, and A Touch of Color:, A Color Based Original Fairy Zine. I am also a mod on Cloudburst: A Chongyun Zine!


Graphics Mod

This is gonna be my 28th Zine now! Some previous ones include Mikrokosmos Approaches, Women! Wanted Zine, Fashion Dawn, Identity Vogue, etc etc etc (more info is on my carrd!)


General Mod

I’ve modded a fan event recently, Kacchako Week 2021 and I’m currently a general mod and social media mod for a few zines in progress!


Art Mod

This will be my first time being a mod of any kind! most of my experience comes from participating in zines as a page artist


Merch Mod

I have a long time background in collecting, managing and handling merchandises for various personal projects and collections, and I am very excited that I get to finally work with in the zine industry regardless of it being physical or digital


Graphics and Writing Mod

This is my second time participating in a zine, but my first time modding! So I'm quite new to the zine scene. However, I've been writing and making graphics, (mostly for myself) for almost 10 and 4 years respectively.